Thursday, July 17, 2008

July 17, 2008

Sorry to anyone that has been checking in all day to know how the ultrasound went. Well I have to go back on Tuesday July 22 (my birthday) because Peanut wouldn't roll over! He was sleeping and he had the hiccups. It was so cute! They were so nice to, they found the heartbeat right away for me. And they now make DVDs for everyone. It was so cool. AS for being back at the same hospital- the ride there was hard. I was on the same train and bus that I had taken 8+ months ago. Talk about a flash back. But I was ok over all. Got there and it wasn't a big deal, until they played the lullaby that they play when a baby is born. The first time I heard it I cried. I couldn't help it. After that first time I was ready and it stung but I was ok. So now I go back on Tuesday in hopes that he will be laying right so they can get the measurements they need. I keep thinking that later on it wouldn't be a bad thing if Peanut continued to be difficult with ultrasounds and doesn't let them get all the measurements they need later. It just means I can see him more. Oh an I found out why my doppler can't find the heartbeat. I have an anterior placenta, meaning it has attached in the front and Peanut liks to hide behind it and take his naps. Now I can stop worrying about that at least for few weeks. I'm trying to figure out how to post my DVD, but I have to change the format of it first. When I can I will post a link or the video.