Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17, 2008

I left home around 12:30 becasue I jsut couldn't sit around any longer. I went and got my hair cut and went to the library to pass the time and so I wouldn't think about it. I got to the doctors office and t wasn't long before the took me back. I had told my friends earlier that I really had to do this by myself so I went alone. As I layed there I made sure i could see the screen really well and instantly I could see the gestational sack when she started- and it was empty. I couldn't stopthinking about how that just had to be wrong, but I saw it over and over as she was looking for everything she had to measure. She even pointed it out to me as the sack and measured it so I know I was seeing the right thing. I couldn't breathe, I jsut kept thinking that couldn't be right. Then after what seemed like forever she zoomed in on the gestational sack and pointed out the baby. I still couldn't see a heart beating, but then she pointed to this little flicker that I thought was made by the machine. She focused on it and turned on the sound. The first try didn't work very well although you could kind of hear some thing, but the second try was very load and clear. I couldn't hol back the sob and tears that cam out. The tech asked me if I was ok and I told her I was jsut so happy and relieved. It was the most perfect thing I had ever heard. And she was even nice enough to go back and get me a picture after she had taken all the measurements she needed to and Peanut is measuring really slose to what I thought he would, 7 weeks. The best part is that my due date has been changed to Feb 2nd which was my grandma's birthday. We had planned on naming a little girl after her so to me it seems like a sign that I will have a healthy baby at the end. Oh and I get to go in fr the first trimester screening in 3-6 weeks (which inludes an U/S) and then I have another one at 20 weeks and my doctore wants me to scheduale both of them tomorrow! Oh it is going to be so hard knowing when they will be and counting down the days!!!
And how could I forget what I know everyone wants to see-
Introducing Peanut-



Shawna said...

I'm crying happy tears for you!