Friday, April 4, 2008

November 8, 2007

Oh joy. This is going to get gross, so you have been warned. I have been passing these “clots” that look like skin (told you it was going to get gross) I’m sure these are part of the placenta. This morning I had one that was bigger then a dollar coin so I called the doctor on call and he told me I will have to call my doctor after he gets in the office. The on call doctor told me I would have to just take some medicine to “tighten my uterus” but I keep thinking that maybe I’ll have to go back to the hospital for a D&C. If that is the case I will have to go by myself because Chas can’t miss anymore work. We just can’t afford for him to. Ok, now to worry for the next 2 hours until the doctor gets in to find out if I have to go in or if he will just call in a prescription for some medicine. This just never ends. Ok, so I just talked to the doctor and I have to go in. Ugh. He asked if I had kept “it” and I told him no, I really thought about it but I was hoping I wouldn’t have to go in and I didn’t just want it sitting around so the cats could get to it. Yuck. Anyway, as soon as Chas gets back from taking Bryson to school and going to the store I will be off. I so hope I don’t need a D&C, I have no idea how I will be able to get in for it, not to mention I will have to go by myself seeing as how Chas has to work tonight and tomorrow. I have to be home from the doctor by 2 PM as it is so he can go to this meeting for work. Life just keeps getting better and better. The only thing that keeps me positive right now is that I had an epidural for the delivery so the doctor was able to “reach” into my uterus and feel if anything was there and he is very sure that there was nothing left so who knows what this is. Hopefully I can just take some pill and be good to go. Oh please God don’t make me have to go through anything else, this is hard enough…. Ok so I’m back from the doctor. And he tortured me. I had to put my feet in the stirrups and he used the speculum to check to make sure everything was ok. Alright so it went more like this. He put the speculum inside me and instead of opening it so a baby elephant could fit through it he made it big enough so a adult elephant could fit through. After many ouches and that hurts he made it back down to baby elephant size. From there he pushes it around and stabs me with it. Then he stands up, leaving the jaws of death in me, to look around for some stuff. He grabs a q-tip that is made for a giant and what I think was iodine. No kidding on the q-tip, if you grab 10-20 normal sized q-tips and hold them together that is how big this one was. Now I have no idea what he did to me, but I’m sure the q-tip had a good tip and probably owes me some money for it. Then he asks if I want him to try to fish anything out of my cervix. “No, the less I have to be put through the better” I know that is what I said to him, but it must have gotten lost in translation because he did it anyway. He grabbed what looks like a giants pair of scissors, only they had grabbers on the end instead of cutters and he stabs me with them and scraps me with them before telling me that my cervix is very closed so he thinks it must have just been some membrane that came out this morning. He then pulls the jaws of death out of me and I’m thinking ‘finally’ I go to sit up and he tells me to stay there *sob sob* He puts the jelly on his finger to check my cervix that way and he pushes on my stomach to make sure everything feels ok. I almost screamed it hurt so bad “A little tender?” he asked me. “yea, that more then a little tender. It’s more like a lot tender” And after he’s done and I can sit up it still hurts. So he tells me it probably was just some membrane and it has left me sore, but the nurse will check to make sure I don’t have a fever just to make sure it’s not an infection. Well my temp was something like 99.5 F so nothing to worry about. The good news from all of this is that I don’t have to go back next week, and all my test results came back normal so what happened was probably just something with the cord or the placenta, but we will never know. Oh and he told me to just wait for my period to come back and then we can start trying to get pregnant again, so that was good to know too.