Friday, April 4, 2008

November 13, 2007

Sorry there is no entry for yesterday. I had the worst headache by the end of the day that is trying to stick around today. Last night Chas and I watched “Knocked Up” It was the saddest movie, ok it wouldn’t have been sad a few weeks ago, but it was all I could do to not cry through it. At the end I lost it and couldn’t help but cry. Every ultrasound picture in the movie hurt, seeing her pregnant hurt, seeing the baby at the end hurt. Ugh. It was the worst pick for a movie, to bad I’m the one that picked it. Bryson is having a hard time with going to school lately. He cries almost every morning about wishing it was summer so he didn’t have to go and he cries about missing Chas too. Alex and Camren are having a hard time too. All of them cry a lot more and fight a lot more. They also are so tired all the time. I’m not sure if that is because they aren’t sleeping very well or if it is something more then that.