Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 21, 2009

So I did something today that I don't do. I went back and read posts I wrote a year ago. I noticed that the month I got pregnant with Peanut all my posts are about not wanting another baby and being scared it will happen again. And even after I found out that I was pregnant they all talk about losing another baby. I'm not going to do that again. I'm only letting positive thoughts in this time.

By Halloween I will be holding my twins! I'm going to get pregnant this month and they are going to be just perfect!

As hard as it is for me to be optimistic, I know that I have to be. I can't let all the negative thoughts predict my future anymore. Life is going to be good. I'm to the point where I can get my pregnancy massage certification and then start working toward my dream. And I'm going to have my twins this year and they are going to be the cutest! I'll take them to the Christmas party and everyone will think they are the cutest! Everyone will be oohing and aahing over them and life will be perfect.