Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May 6, 2008

I have been wanting to post for a while now, but life kept getting in the way. So much seems to be going on it's not even funny. Life is so crazy right now. So a few weeks ago I found out something about my "best friend" I have posted about her a few times I think, she had said she lost a twin at 7 months pregnant and I found out that she has been lying about it. There was no twin, she just just made it up to get the attention. I need a smilie right about now. =( Nope not quite, but I guess it will have to do. I don't understand why someone would do that. What kind of a person would you have to be to what the attention so much that you would lie to everyone just to take the attention away from someone that has really been there and felt that kind of pain? And then to make that person feel like crap because they should be over the loss and they are a terrible person because it still hurts? Or they are afraid of getting pregnant again because they could just loose another baby? Now my life feels like a soap opera because of this "friend." For -3 days she didn't talk to me then she wanted to talk and tried to tell me that her husband said he lied about all of it just to hurt her (she left her husband to be with someone else, "the boyfriend"), I told her I know he wasn't lying because over 3 days his story didn't change and hers has never been the same (and hers is impossible at that) so then she is mad because we are co-existing and the next day she went to sit by me and I wouldn't let her, instead I let the boyfriend sit by me and her sit next to him, then she's not even talking to me, just to yesterday have it be like we are best friends again (insert confused smilie) Well the husband told her that him and I are sleeping together, as if, and so that's why she wasn't talking to me but now her and the boyfriend are breaking up and him and I are friends so I'm guessing yesterday was all about keeping him because she spent a lot of time trying to get him to hate me and talking trash about me to others in front of him. {sigh} The whole thing is so stupid. Oh add to that the husband calls an texts me all the time to find out what is going on. The whole thing is so stupid.


Anonymous said...

Real friends have no need to lie. To make their lives seem worse than yours just for pity. Real friends don't try to one up you in the pain category. Real friends tell you they are sorry, that they want to do whatever it takes to make it right and stand beside you through the pain and the sorrow. That girl is not a real friend. Life's too short to be bogged down with her mess. And your life is too rich and full. Sometimes we are given people like her to make us realize that where we are in life, is an ok place to be. That we are moving forward, while others are just treading water. And you are moving forward. With your life, with a career, with your boys, with another baby some day, and with an amazing angel that will always watch over you. You stand head and shoulders above her.